
My role as a teacher is to empower my students to actively discover what internally motivates them, what they are passionate about and how that motivation and passion shapes their perspectives on the course. When students feel connected to a course, a community is built where learning can take place. When students are empowered to be independent members of the classroom community, they can explore and dive deeper into what interests them while understanding that they can always return to the support of their teacher and classmates if they need resources or support. I know students are learning when they can connect the information from class to their own lives, when they can problem solve through unexpected challenges, when they are actively seeking out resources to answer their questions and when they can explain the information to their peers.

I have 3 central goals for student learning:

  1. For students to make learning personal by being empowered to connect information to their own lives.
  2. For students to be able to drive their own learning through critical thinking, problem- solving and understanding how to access resources.
  3. For students to be inspired to ask questions and challenge information presented to them to promote deeper understanding.

In developing a classroom environment where all students feel welcome, heard, and encouraged, my goal is for my students to develop both subject area knowledge and knowledge of themselves. When students leave my classroom, I hope that they not only have an understanding of course materials, but also have a deeper understanding of how they are motivated, what they are passionate about and how they can find answers and resources to solve the issues that are most important to them. These skills empower them to learn more and to make the changes that they want to see in the world.

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